The actual exam papers we use in our 8+ Mock Exam C.
These papers have been specifically created with the upcoming exams in mind and will therefore provide ideal practice for those sitting 8+ assessments over the next few months.
We also include statistics such as the mean and range of the scores of all those who have taken these papers in the past. This will give you a great indication of how your child is doing and help highlight specific areas to focus on.
We can also provide you with target scores to aim for based on the school/s you are aiming for.
These tests differ from those available to download on our site, and are available in hard copy only.
8+ Mock Exam C contains 9 sections:
- Mathematics
- Mental Arithmetic Questions
- Mental Arithmetic Response Sheet
- English
- Dictation Text
- Dictation Response Sheet
- Reasoning (VR and NVR)
- Answers
- Statistics